Health Consultation
A free 15 minute consultation to answer any questions, and discuss if Dr. Rosenfeld can help you and is the right provider for you. Chiropractic New Patient Evaluation A 1-hour preliminary evaluation, which includes a history-taking, examination and treatment if not contra-indicated. Treatment A 1/2-hour session. 1-hour sessions are available by request. Cardio-Pulsewave Heart Screening A non-invasive, quick cardio-vascular screening which will assess how hard the heart is working as well as the condition of the arteries (hardened or elastic). Quantum Bio-electric Bio-feedback session Quantum Bio-electric Bio-feedback is an advanced science of vibrational technology. A bio-electrical assessment measures the overall bio-electrical health and scans the entire Human Energy Field (HEF) which contains all the information of our life. It measures the amount of stress in the body both physically and emotionally. This is read in regards to the organs and systems of the body and provides a window into then body's wellness. This includes identifying the stressors before they may show up physically. As this is bio-feedback, a feedback loop is created while reading the HEF which balances the frequencies of the areas or organs being stressed. |
Dr. Jeffre Rosenfeld, D.C.
2222 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(310) 828-8258
2222 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(310) 828-8258