The Body Electric
An interesting way to look at what we are physically is to see ourselves as like a car battery. A
battery creates and transmits an electrical charge. It requires water for it to
function effectively. If it does not have enough water it can no longer sustain
its charge. You have heard of alkaline batteries I am sure. It works in an
alkaline environment. Using the battery regularly charges it up and not using it lowers its charge. Similarly,
we require an alkaline inner environment to function at our best. Our bodies are
constantly producing all kinds of electrical charges. Our nervous system creates
electrical currents and waves, as does our cardiac system. Brain waves are
measured by electro-encephalographic (EEG) feedback and the electrical activity
of our hearts can be read on an EKG device. Our bones have a piezo-electric
ability, which is they conduct electrical vibrations. Regular exercise helps to
energize us. We actually are living in an ocean of a vast range of
electro-magnetic frequencies and energies.
In truth we are bodies electric; in motion.
So treat yourself like a battery today.
Stay well hydrated. Maintain a primarily alkaline diet. Get plenty of fresh
And charge up your battery today, folks!
battery creates and transmits an electrical charge. It requires water for it to
function effectively. If it does not have enough water it can no longer sustain
its charge. You have heard of alkaline batteries I am sure. It works in an
alkaline environment. Using the battery regularly charges it up and not using it lowers its charge. Similarly,
we require an alkaline inner environment to function at our best. Our bodies are
constantly producing all kinds of electrical charges. Our nervous system creates
electrical currents and waves, as does our cardiac system. Brain waves are
measured by electro-encephalographic (EEG) feedback and the electrical activity
of our hearts can be read on an EKG device. Our bones have a piezo-electric
ability, which is they conduct electrical vibrations. Regular exercise helps to
energize us. We actually are living in an ocean of a vast range of
electro-magnetic frequencies and energies.
In truth we are bodies electric; in motion.
So treat yourself like a battery today.
Stay well hydrated. Maintain a primarily alkaline diet. Get plenty of fresh
And charge up your battery today, folks!